Amethyst is a variety of quartz. In the Crystal healing circles it is known as “Master Healing Crystal”, it clears and purifies assisting with stress and tension. It soothes and clams the mind, raises the spirit and protects from negative vibrations.
Used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, carrying energy passion and spirituality. This stone got the nickname of Stone of Sobriety for its power of transforming negative energy into love energy. It provides protection and balance during transition periods. It reduces the feeling of being victimized, giving you a spiritual perspective on life’s circumstances.
Amethyst is a powerful healing gem with diverse healing properties, and it also magnifies the energy of other crystals. It is good for overall protection and balance. It promotes intuitive and inspired thoughts. Useful to those in leadership positions. Helps see the divine perfection in all things. A visionary essence.