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Mystic Quartz Treasures

Step into a realm of enchantment with our Mystic Quartz Treasures Collection. Here, every piece is a testament to the captivating allure of mystic quartz, known for its transformative and healing energies. Embrace the magical journey of self-discovery as you wear these treasures, crafted to inspire balance, harmony, and a touch of mystical elegance.
  • Mini Elena necklaces - Divine Schematic
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    $0.00 $111.00

    All you love about the Elena necklace in miniature! Introducing the Iris with a Lemurian or Yellow Quartz wrapped in the middle. 

    Lenght: 16”

    Azurite keywords: balance - calm - dreamwork

    Pyrite keywords: confidence - manifestation - creativity - strength - passion - focus 

    Bronzite keywords: protection - grounding - concentration - leadership 

    Amazonite keywords: communication - calm - love 

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  • Ella Necklace Amethyst - Divine Schematic
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    This pure Amethyst point exhibits a subtle crystalline lilac hue that is practically glowing with inner light. This piece will heal imbalances, strengthen the immune system and instill a sober mind.

    Matching lobster clasp and findings give the perfect final touch to this piece.

    Two length options available: 21'' or 33''. Quartz size: from 1'' to 2''.


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  • Ella Necklace Lemon Quartz - Divine Schematic
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    This golden stone will create an aura of self assurance and optimism. 

    Lemon quartz point artfully wrapped in metallic leather on a rolo chain.

    Matching lobster clasp and findings give the perfect final touch to this piece.

    Two length options available: 21'' or 33''. Quartz size: from 1'' to 2''.


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  • Aura Scapulary - Divine Schematic
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    100.00 $88.00



    $100.00 $88.00

    This pure Aqua Aura exhibits a bright blue surface enhanced by subtle flashes of iridescent rainbow colors. This piece has a calming effect, enhancing ones ability to communicate inner truths and instilling inner peace and relaxation.

    Two rough aqua aura quartz crystals artfully wrapped in metallic leather on a matte rolo chain.

    One crystal hangs in the front and the other down the spine, creating an incredible back detail.

    Length: 30'', no closure. Crystal sizes: from 1.5'' to 2.5'', back crystal is always smaller.


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