How To Activate Your Crystal Jewelry
Crystals emit steady vibrations that help to create balance within oneself and zen into the spaces around us.
At an atomic level, our universe is in a constant state of vibration. Crystals are extremely good at holding a stable vibration due to their crystalline lattice structure. We, on the other hand, are a very complex mix of vibrations that can easily be disturbed, become unbalanced which makes us sick and unwell. All kinds of things can affect our vibration, from external influences such as electromagnetic and geopathic stress, to internal ones such as constant negative thought patterns and suppressing emotions.
Crystals emit steady vibrations that cut through high frequencies and give us that ‘heat’ or ‘air vibration’ feeling. It is for this reason that for thousands of years crystals have been used for their powerful healing properties. It’s no wonder Crystal Quartz is used to power a number of modern day machines including watches, radio transmitters and computers.
By setting our crystals with positive intentions we are manifesting a world we wish to be a part of. Activated crystals act as a daily reminder to keep our thoughts and actions in line with our intentions. Wearing them is a way to strengthen and align your aura and energy fields.
Ok so let’s get down to it…
You need to first program your healing crystal after which you will move on to activating your stone and finally charging your crystal before you work with it.
For those of you that are new to the wonderful and exciting world of crystal healing:
- all crystals are healing crystals
- the term "programming" is used because this process is similar to computer programming
Information or commands are stored in the molecular structure you’re the healing crystals as magnetic charged data.
In other words, crystals can receive, and hold thought forms (data) and when you project your intent consciously, it is called programming a crystal.
Thoughts are Energy
Thoughts are energy and are magnetic in form.
The data you program into your healing crystals as thought forms, powered or intensified by intention and emotion, is stored as energy.
The following 2 steps are imperative before you go ahead with programming a healing crystal:
- First, you have to determine the purpose of the program you wish to imprint.
- Secondly, you must think of the end result you want to achieve.
When programming a healing crystal you set your intent - your aim or purpose.
Your intention directly affects the result of your actions.
Following is a very simple intent you can use, remember it is always best to keep it simple and even better to use your own words.
Hold the crystal in your hands, picture light surrounding it. (If you find this difficult, hold your hands in front of a light source.). Consider the purpose for which you wish to use it. Be specific. If you want it to attract love, describe exactly what kind of love you are looking for. If you are seeking healing, say precisely for which condition and what you want to happen. When you have formulated your program, attune to the crystal. When you are totally in tune, say out loud:"I intend for this crystal to be effective for healing, manifestation, etc. in light and love for the highest and greatest good of all. So be it!"
Then wear your crystal or simply have it in close proximity, to boost your energy, clean your space and manifest magic into your life.
Charge your Crystals
So finally, once you have programmed your crystal it’s good to give it a little extra boost by charging them! There are various ways for you to charge your crystals.
- Place your healing stones on a large crystal cluster or surround your crystals with clear Quartz points, points facing inwards.
- Placing the healing gemstones in sunlight or in moonlight works well.
- To more heavily charge them; days such as the equinoxes or solstices, a full moon or new moon are ideal.
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